Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Elementary Education - Training Ground for Children

by Asupport

The school is considered as the children's second home and their teachers are secondary parents. It is very vital to acknowledge the importance of elementary education. This time children start to learn about the basic ideas that initially come out their mind.

There is a necessity to universalize elementary education. If before, parents do not give much importance to the education of their children, it is of a different thing nowadays. We are living in a world of competition. To give better opportunities for everybody, illiteracy should be eradicated in the society.

The challenge for the government today is to make the needed reforms and promote local planning as regards the strategies of motivating the leaders on how to expound and improve primary education in particular.

However, several predicaments get higher especially when it deals about the impact of the continuously increasing tuition fees and textbook prices. This is a major reason why parents are discouraged to send their children to school.

Their parents at home cannot provide the learning that the students can get from their school. Thus, the parents should not be contented by merely teaching their children with 'this is' and 'those are'. The children need a thorough instruction about the things around them.

The only solution for the problem is for them to undergo elementary education. This is what can make them somebody in the future. This could even be their way towards achieving success. Do not limit your children from discovering things because this can make them a better and responsible citizen of the country.

Elementary education is also a prerequisite for entering high school. You cannot be admitted to the next degree if you are not able to finish elementary. This is where teacher will teach you about the basic things.

The government is making a collaborative effort with the private institutions to provide scholarship for those students that deserve yet cannot afford to have their elementary education. They are granting financial incentives just to sustain the need for education of these children.

Elementary education should be given the highest priority because this is the children's stepping-stone for them to pursue higher goals. If they are able to undergo their elementary education, there will have a great probability that they will continue up to high school or even a higher degree.
If they are able to do so, then they can have an opportunity to find the suited job for them. If it is also their luck, the job may even seek for them if he they are able to make exemplary performance during their schooling days.

All wonderful opportunities are possible if education will not be taken for granted. Remember that your journey to a thousand miles can begin with your first step. Thus, the elementary education that you will be fulfilling will serve as a training ground for you and the first step that you can take for reaching your success.

Sending a child in their elementary education is a sole responsibility of their parents. If they care about the future of the children then they have to make all the means just to provide their children with this right. Elementary education will serve as their primary weapon against illiteracy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting Quality Distance Learning Education

by Sfrom

It may seem like a legend, but you actually can get quality education without being completely hassled and scammed by these "diploma mills" that pump out courses after courses of useless information that are apparently supposed to give accredited diplomas to graduates. Instead, a quality distance learning education can actually get you the full diploma that you need from your own home with the quality instruction of paid teachers and interaction with other students through a variety of multimedia sources and components. This allows you to grasp as much of the educational experience as possible.

In order to decide if a distance learning education is the right path for you, you should determine if you have the learning style that would benefit from such an education. If you are good at motivating yourself to do well and to complete assignments on time, you will do well at distance learning. You are your own accountability weapon, so you need to ensure that you will work hard to get the projects and assignments done on time. If you are not good at self-motivation, you may want to select traditional schooling so that a teacher can instruct you with some of techniques to get motivated.

Success At Distance Learning

Distance courses are great ways to pick up a little bit of extra learning if you are unable to attend a traditional school or if you are busy. You can gain advanced training this way and can pick up some additional courses or credentials for your resume through a distance learning education. These courses can also be very effective for first-time students that are a little unsure about their future in education as they might provide an adequate snapshot of the educational process. It can be a great help for those that need specialized training for their jobs, too.

There are many reasons to pursue distance learning education courses. You should find out how this may work for you so that you can reap the benefits of an online, distance education and discover a whole new way to learn. The best part about these classes is that you can set your own hours and set up your own learning plan to help accommodate your busy life and introduce time management skills to your repertoire. You never know what skills you could learn in organizing your education through a distance learning education and these skills could be helpful in the rest of your life.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is Accredited Online Education Right For You?

by Billyou1232

If you have decided that the only way for you to return to school is to do it online there are things you need to look into before you commit to any learning institution. First you must be certain that the university you are looking at is offering accredited online education. How many people understand what that means? Unfortunately, not enough students know how important it is to prevent some schools from scamming their online students. If you are following your education dreams then you need to understand how important accreditation is. To be an accredited online education course it must meet certain standards that are put into place to guarantee that the courses meet the educational requirements. Meeting the standards guarantees the student who is learning online that they will get the same education they would if they were attending day classes through a traditional program.

One vital consideration is that if it is a proper accredited online education program it entitles the students to the same rights and benefits as students in day classes. That includes financial aid, scholarships, tutoring, counseling or anything else in a long list of student services. Taking the courses though an accredited online education facility is necessary to allow the possibility of the student being entitled to get into government programs that can help with the costs of getting an education. Only accredited online educations programs will be able to access this assistance.

If you need to transfer credits from a school you took courses at previously to the online educational facility you are considering, both schools must be accredited for you to be able to do that. Once you understand the need for an accredited online education facility its time to look and decide which one to use. That depends a lot on the courses you are planning to take. Fortunately the location of the school offering the accredited online education courses means nothing. It can be in the same state as the student or the other side of the country.

Are you merely looking to finish the high school education that you regret interrupting years ago? Or instead are you looking to complete your Associates degree, or is it earning your Bachelors degree, Masters degree or your Doctorate that is your goal? Whatever your goal is you need to understand that an accredited online education facility, be it a college or university, will only have limited programs available. The choices are varied but they are not near as many as you would get attending a university that offers day classes. Whatever your choice in courses is, once you have registered with an accredited online education facility be prepared for some hard work to follow.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

5 Top Tips For Writing A Great Academic Essay

by Sam Collyer

Tip # 1

To many students’ essay writing is a chore. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard students’ say “I’m not bothered about my coursework, it’s only worth 25% (or whatever it happens to be) of the final mark-as long as I pass (i.e. get 40%) I’m happy”

This approach is problematic as the student is from risk throwing away marks. Marks that could easily raise their overall grade above the next classification bar, marks which will impact on their ultimate grade.

Tip # 2

Look at the time frame. How long until the submission date? Allow plenty of time; aim to finish a week before the deadline in case something unexpected occurs.

Once a deadline has been set work backwards in order to determine when work should commence.

It is advisable to begin working on an academic essay at least a month before the hand in date. Of course once a couple of assignments have been completed you will have a better idea how long each takes, enabling you to adjust your schedule accordingly. For those who have little research to conduct and who have the ability to work quickly, it is possible to produce a good quality piece of work in a matter of days. Unfortunately this is outside the capabilities of most students’ who if they are to produce a quality piece of work will need plenty of time to research, plan and write.

Tip # 3

Look at the assessment criteria; determine how the marks are allocated. A typical breakdown may look something like this:

Analysis of task -10%

Relevant knowledge & understanding of topic-40%

Structure and content-30%

Use of source materials-10%

Presentation -10%

There should also be a detailed breakdown of what is required to obtain marks in a particular range, study this and work out what you need to do.

Tip # 4

Re-read the assessment criteria in conjunction with the question. Think about how you are going to complete the task whilst simultaneously maximising the available marks in each section.

Analysis of Task

This is absolutely fundamental so you need to get it right as it will impact on the marks obtainable in other areas particularly structure and content/relevant knowledge and understanding.

Examine the keywords; what are you being asked to do? Discuss, evaluate, compare and contrast, analyse, advise, comment on.

Structure and content

Ensure your work has a beginning, middle and end! In others words has an:

Introduction that sets the scene and tells the reader what the problem or issue is and how you are going to resolve or address it.

A main body that does exactly what you said you would do in the introduction.

A conclusion which draws together the points, arguments etc that were discussed in the main body and arrives at an overall conclusion. A conclusion must not introduce any new material but it must link back to the introduction and answer the question.

Relevant knowledge and understanding

Self-explanatory really. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the topic. The trick here of course is to make sure that you do! How? Read as widely as possible, listen to lectures and avail yourself to as much material as you can. Then use/ apply what is relevant.

Use of source materials

To gain the maximum available marks here you need to show that you have conducted extensive but relevant/focused research and the sources you have used must be correctly cited/referenced and you must include a full bibliography.

Tip # 5

When conducting research use an A4 pad. Across the top of the page write the citation of the text.

As you make notes, jot the relevant page number in left-hand margin. This will make referencing easy and enable you re-visit the text should this be required at a later date.

When taking down notes you can either put the information in your own words or copy it down verbatim. Just be clear about what you have copied (put it in speech marks) as you will have to put this in your own words when it comes to writing up.

How to avoid plagiarism:

1. Reference your work properly when you need to quote or indicate the source of your findings.

2. Purchase the ‘anti-plagiarism trinity’:

? Good quality dictionary

? Thesaurus

? Synonym Finder


Make sure that you adhere to the coursework guidelines. Do they specify that the work needs to be double-spaced? What font and font size are required? What is the word length? Are you allowed to exceed it? Some tutors will allow 10% over limit whilst others will not allow any extension. Ensure that the work is grammatically correct and that all spellings are accurate. Easy marks available here, just by doing what you are asked and checking your spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Make a start!

Get a note pad, have a brain storming session and get your ideas down on paper. Jot down a structure, have a plan of where you’re going. Regularly re-read the question to make sure you are on track.

? Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to begin by writing the introduction first. I have wasted hours and hours struggling to make a start. Start anywhere, it doesn’t matter, in fact many students write the introduction lastly as this enables them to accurately explain what they are going to cover, because they’ve already done it!

Don’t think that you have to get it right first time. The wonderful thing about being able to word process is that text can be easily deleted and expanded. You’ll probably edit many times, so just get something down to get you on your way, you can hone your work as you progress.

? Don’t get stuck on a particular word or sentence. Enter a line of Xs’, change the font colour and return to it later.

? Sometimes it’s easier to speak something rather than write it. Get a Dictaphone or use the voice recorder on a mobile and talk about it. Explain what you want to say then listen back and transcribe.

Make sure that your essay flows in a logical sequence, link paragraphs and ensure that your conclusion refers back to the question-in other words answer what has been set.

Once you have completed your work, print it off and forget about it for a couple of days. Then return to it with fresh eyes. Critically evaluate what you have done in light of the assessment criteria. Make any amendments and hand it in.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How To Beat The Competition and Get That Job

by Sam Collyer

Several hundred thousand graduates leave university each year whilst some take the opportunity to travel before entering the world of work the priority, for the vast majority, is to enter their chosen field as quickly as possible.

Bearing in mind the current economic state-high unemployment combined an increasing amount of graduates' competition for jobs, places on graduate schemes and the like, has never been so fierce. As such, to tip the scales of success in their favour, it is imperative that steps are taken to secure a head start over the competition.

Lets look at the three areas that, with the correct approach can give a serious advantage over your rivals.

1. Get the best possible classification of degree that you are able.

2. Gain experience and develop transferable skills that employers are looking for.

3. Prepare properly for the application and assessment process and make sure that you have the ability to deliver what a prospective employer is looking for.

Getting the best possible classification of degree

This is self-explanatory; a candidate with a higher classification will automatically stand out from those with a lesser grade. That said the right interpersonal skills and qualities are also vital to an employer and so selling yourself and your individual qualities during the assessment process can give you the edge over a better qualified candidate.

Gain experience and develop transferable skills that employers are looking for.

Each university will have a careers service staffed with specialist advisers whose role is to offer expert help and guidance, it’s a free service provided for your benefit so use it to your advantage. Unfortunately many students’ make the mistake of not seeking out the services of a counsellor until the final year (sometimes even the final term) of university, clearly this is the incorrect approach, the sooner advice is sought the better.

A careers counsellor can help in two ways, firstly by suggesting suitable career options dependant upon the subject studied, interests and personality type; secondly to help the person successfully secure a position within their chosen field.

Regardless as to whether you have a particular profession in mind, it remains imperative that you seek advice as soon as possible. It may well be that there are things that you could be doing, during the duration of your degree that will have an impact on your search for work later down the line. For example law students’ may find that summer employment in a solicitors office or the undertaking mini pupillages’ may well have a profound impact when it comes to securing a training contract or pupillage proper.

A career’s counsellor can advise accordingly, not only with regards to gaining practical experience but also regarding the development of skills demanded within your chosen vocation. It is crucial for example, that someone with a desire to enter the world of sales and marketing not only has excellent negotiation skills but can demonstrate to a prospective employer during the application process, how they have used the skill in real situations. Thus over the duration of your degree, whether through academia, via work paid or voluntary, you must have involved yourself in an environment that has enabled you, not only to develop the particular skill but also to facilitate examples from which you are able to draw.

Prepare properly for the application and assessment process and make sure that you have the ability to deliver what a prospective employer is looking for.

This third area which demands a prepared and competent approach is the successful completion of the application process-and a science in itself!

Again the careers advisor can point you in the right direction when it comes to finding opportunities some even have links with major or local employers. They can also give sound advice when it comes to the application and assessment procedure, however the greater the preparation and more extensive your knowledge the better.

An organised student will begin in their search for employment well in advance of graduation. Of course the Internet is the ideal research tool where information can be found on most companies along with their current vacancies and any recruitment schemes that maybe available to you once you’ve graduated. You should also keep an eye out for recruitment events such as job fairs and ‘milk rounds’ as they also offer the opportunity to network, build contacts and forge relationships, to hand out CV’s to speak personally with recruiters and to sell yourself.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TOEFL - Essential Tool Required For Overseas Education

by S Pandey

Test Of English as a Foreign Language is commonly known as TOEFL. This test is conducted to examine the ability of understanding the English language by the students who do not have English as their native language. It helps evaluate how well an individual can speak and write English. TOEFL is the first step required by an individual if he or she has plans to study in an overseas university. In other words, it is imperative to clear TOEFL by a student who belongs to a non-English speaking country to get admission in a foreign university. TOEFL is a standardized test assessing reading, writing, listening and speaking skills of English of a person whoever appears for the test. About 6000 universities, colleges, or business and professional schools from nearly 140 countries of the globe require TOEFL scores from each applicant.

TOEFL is conducted by a registered body called ETS (Educational Testing Service), based in US. The organization has been taking all the responsibilities from developing to administering the test, setting questions, conducting the test and sending each examinee the score report. ETS has appointed several Testing Agencies across various countries who act as franchisee for ETS and conducts TOEFL test. In India, the assigned agency is called "Prometric Testing Services Pvt Ltd" which responsibly administers the test at nearly nine different centers like Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Allahabad, Calcutta, Chennai, Tiruvanantpuram, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Mumbai. For students in India, the cost required in appearing for TOEFL test is somewhere near to USD 165 that also includes the cost of score report. From 2006, TOEFL test is also conducted as an Internet based test in India.

Now when you have got information about TOEFL, the next step comes is, its application. How to apply for it? This is an issue concerned with those who do not know that its application can be simple. One just needs to get "TOEFL Information Bulletin" from Prometric Testing Services as well as USEFI, where it is available for free. Or you can request the bulletin from Infozee which will be delivered at the address given by you. Registering for TOEFL can be done in three ways:

o Registering by Phone
o Registering by Fax
o Registering by Mail/Courier

Unlike other tests, computer based test for TOEFL is held all round the year. And the best part about it is that you can select for a date and time as per your suitability. The test is usually conducted for five days a week, from Monday to Friday, and at two different timings in a day. It is advisable to get yourself registered at least 90 days prior to the date you have decided to appear for the test.

The test is categorized into four sections, namely, Listening Section, Structure Section, Reading Section and Writing Section, that usually takes four hours. After you send your application, you tend to receive admit card within a week of your application. Do not forget to keep a photocopy of your form and the draft for your security.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Financial Aid Options For Adult Continuing Education Students

by Johney Maron

Finding a great job and advancing in that career have something in common. You need a good education. The more you have, the better it will be for you in the future. You may have been putting off continuing your education until later. The rising costs of attending a college or university is enough to stop a lot of people. However, there are options. Online education is a great program for those needing the flexibility in their schedule as well as help on the financial side. You can afford the online degree you really want.

There is now a program that is designed especially for veterans. The Yellow Ribbon GI Bill is available for those who served for thirty-six months (3 years) or more after September 1, 2001, or have service-related disabilities with an honorable discharge. Contact the Department of Veterans Affairs to make sure you qualify for the program and for more information. It is also necessary to contact the school to be sure they participate in this program. The Yellow Ribbon GI Bill will make continuing your education much easier and more affordable for you.

There is also a new Federal Stimulus Legislation that will help make continuing education affordable. The programs are designed to assist public colleges and universities. Be sure to check with the school you have chosen to ensure they are participating in the program.

There are a variety of other options available for financial aid. Some of these are based on the student's own personal circumstances. Single mothers, for example, are eligible for financial assistance. If you find you are not eligible for student loans, there are several government grants available.

If you are not eligible for the Yellow Ribbon GI Bill program, the financial aid department of your school is a good place to begin. They can help in assessing your needs and qualifications, and inform you about which types of financial aid you are qualified to receive. The good news is that no matter what your personal or financial situation may be, continuing education is now within your reach. This wide range of financial aid for adult continuing education students makes earning your online degree an easy, affordable, and positive experience.

Don't allow your fear of the unknown stop your aspirations of continuing your education. Make sure to research all your options before making a decision. Use the Internet, your local library, or the school's admissions office as resources. Make sure to weigh all the possibilities before turning away from an opportunity to help your future.